Cyberspace Office & Telepsychology

This area contains information about the online tele-health consultation practice of Dr. Childress.

Dr. Childress is available in cyberspace for the following:

  • Therapy and consultation with California residents (state of licensure).
  • Limited-scope (2 sessions) consultation with out of state and international residents (no consultation with Oregon residents or attorneys pending appeal of Oregon licensing board sanctions).
  • Professional-to-professional consultation with mental health professionals and attorneys.

Dr. Childress has public consultations the first week of the month at his online office: Scheduling is through the online Scheduling Calender:

Information about

Limitations & Restrictions

California Residents: 

Dr. Childress is only licensed as a psychologist in California and so can only conduct therapy from his Cyberspace Office for residents in the state of California.

Residents Outside of California:

Dr. Childress is currently restricted from provided extended psychological consultation or psychotherapy to residents outside of California.  However, Dr. Childress is permitted to provide a limited-scope initial consultation in his areas of professional practice specialization to help orient the client to information from professional psychology, pathology, and its treatment to assist with developing options for solutions.

Dr. Childress will limit his initial consultation with residents outside of California to two sessions for the purpose of developing an understanding for the nature of the client’s situation and request, and to assist the client in developing directions for solutions.

Oregon Exception: Currently by order of the Oregon licensing board by sanctions applied, I am not allowed to provide any consultation to Oregon residents (not even once), and it is unclear what consultation I can provide to Oregon attorneys. The matter is under appeal. Until greater clarity is achieved on appeal, I cannot provide consultation to any resident of Oregon or any attorney in Oregon.

International Residents

There are no governing international regulatory agencies for Internet-mediated professional practice. However, I strive to respect the  jurisdictional authority of nations relative to their residents. I am currently registered with the National Register to assist in comparability of licensure across jurisdictions.

Dr. Childress will restrict international practice to the same 2-session initial consultation restriction applied to residents of other states in the U.S.

Professional-to-Professional Consultation

There are no restrictions on the degree and extent of professional-to-professional consultation that Dr. Childress can provide to another mental health professional.

Forms for Online Clients of Dr. Childress

Dr. Childress Background in Internet Psychology

Dr. Childress has professional background in Internet psychology, including the ethical issues in online interventions and research.  Among this professional background are presentations to:

World Health Organization, 2nd International Symposium on Psychiatry and Internet: Information – Support – Therapy.  Invited presentation on Ethical Issues in Online Psychotherapeutic Interventions.  4/2002, Munich, Germany.

American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Office of Protection from Research Risks, Conference on the Ethical and Legal Aspects of Human Subjects Research in Cyberspace. Invited paper presentation on Privacy and Confidentiality Issues in Internet Research. 6/1999, June. Washington, D.C.

American Psychological Association Convention, Symposium on Using the Internet for Change: Online Psychotherapy and Education. J. Grohol (Chair):  The Potential Risks and Benefits of Online Therapeutic Interventions. 8/1998; San Francisco, California.

Peer-Reviewed Publications on Internet Psychology & Online Practice:

Seminars Taken

PESI: A Complete Guide to Ethical & Legal Technology Challenges for Mental Health Professionals (1/20/20)