Assorted Itemsx

This is a page of assorted files.

Proposed Treatment Team Model (Childress, 2014)

This is a proposal for a coordinated treatment team to work with families in court-involved complex family conflict.

Old Wine & Old Skins: Dr. Bernet Response to Foundations (2015)

This is Dr. Bernet’s response to Foundations.

Unnecessary Diversion: Karen Woodall’s Critique of Foundations

This is Karen Woodall’s Critique of Foundations

Childress Response to Woodall Critique

This is my response to Karen Woodall’s critique of Foundations as unnecessary.

Powerpoint: Treatment of AB-PA (Childress, 2013)

This is a handout of my Powerpoint slides from 2013 on the treatment of AB-PA (“parental alienation”)

Trans-generational Structure of Parental Alienation (Childress, 2010)

This is a very early handout describing the trans-generational transmission of trauma, the core of the pathology.

Pathogenic Parenting Concern Scale (Childress, 2011)

This is an early version of the Diagnostic Checklist for Pathogenic Parenting.

Instructions for the Pathogenic Parenting Concern Scale (Childress, 2011)

These are the instructions for using the Pathogenic Parenting Concern Scale (Childeress, 2011)

DSM-IV Diagnosis of AB-PA

This is an early handout for the DSM-IV diagnosis of the “parental alienation” pathology (AB-PA)

ABAB Single Case Booklet Chart of Phases

This is a chart from my booklet: ABAB Single Case Assessment & Remedy

Intervention Guidelines for AB-PA

This is a discussion of intervention guidelines surrounding the pathology of AB-PA.

AB-PA in a Legal Context (Childress, 2014)

This is one of my early essays applying AB-PA within the court system

Possible Cause of Action

This is a discussion of possible causes of action against an incompetent mental health professional surrounding Standard 3.04 Avoiding Harm and the professional “duty to protect.”

Excerpt from a Dr. Childress Report: Analysis of a Mental Health Professional (Childress, 2015)

This is a de-identified excerpt from a report I wrote in which I analyze the professional practices of a mental health professional

California Laws Regarding Release of Records

This is a handout of the California laws regarding the release of patient records.

Strategic-Behavioral Family Systems Intervention

This is an early formative stage for the Contingent Visitation Schedule

Letter to Minor’s Counsel

This is a generic letter written to minor’s counsel provided to parents to help educate minor’s counsel to the pathology.

Compendium Conflictorum: Coding The Pathology of Parental Alienation (Childress, 2013)

This is a side project I have, A complete coding system for all types of parent-child conflict.  I call it the Compendium Conflictorum. This applies the Coding System to the “parental alienation” pathology.

Social Skills Handout: Lucifer & Michael (Childress, 2013)

This is a playful attempt to teach basic human social skills to problematic children who have problematic parents and lack appropriate parental guidance.