Articles & Essays

Dark Personalities & Delusion Articles (Greenham & Childress)


An Attachment-Based Model of Parental Alienation: Foundations (Childress, 2015)

This is a full and complete description of the pathology from within three separate levels of analysis, family systems therapy, personality disorder pathology (complex trauma), and attachment pathology, and also integrates the description of the pathology across all three levels, describing how the childhood attachment trauma of the parent leads to this parent’s personality disorder pathology, when then causes the family systems pathology.

Foundations Introduction

This is the Introduction Chapter from Foundations

Assessment Protocol

Assessment of Attachment-Related Pathology Surrounding Divorce (Childress, 2016)

This booklet describes and clinical psychology assessment protocol for attachment-related conflict surrounding divorce.  This booklet is a resource that parents and attorneys can provide to mental health professionals and the court regarding the desired assessment for attachment-related family pathology.

The Narcissistic Parent

The Narcissistic Parent (Childress, 2016)

This is a resource for legal professionals to understand the narcissistic personality pathology of the parent, and how it influences their parenting behaviors.  It is structured around direct quotes from the professional literature.  It is also a resource for parents to provide to their involved legal professonals.

Diagram of AB-PA Pathology (Childress, 2016)

This is a diagram of the AB-PA pathology, with the personality pathology represented in the middle and the attachemnt pathology on the sides.



Online Essays

The Domestic Violence of Parental Alienation (Childress, 2016)

This is an essay describing the IPV (Intimate Partner Violence; “domestic violence”) pathology of “parental alienation.”

Parental Alienation is Not a New Pathology (Childress, 2016)

This is an essay discussing the foundations for an attachment-based description of “parental alienation” pathology.

Assessing the Behavior Chain in Parent-Child Conflict (Childress, 2016)

The behavior-chain is a foundational principle of Applied Behavioral Analysis used to identify the cue structure for a behavior.

Recommendations for a Testifying Therapist

These are thoughts and recommendations for a therapist asked to testify about AB-PA pathology.

Reconceptualizing Parental Alienation: Parental Personality Disorder and the Trans-­generational Transmission of Attachment Trauma (Childress, 2013)

This is a professional-level article on AB-PA.

The Hostage Metaphor (Childress, 2014)

This is an essay describing the child as a hostage of the allied parent.

The Trauma Reenactment Narrative (Childress, 2010)

This is an early description of the trauma reenactment narrative.

Treating AB-PA

Treatment-Related Considerations (Childress, nd)

This is an essay describing the treatment-related considerations surrounding high-intensity family conflict surrounding divorce.

Strategic Family Systems Treatment Plan (Childress, nd)

This is a description of a Strategic family systems treatment plan for high-intensity family conflict surrounding divorce.

Treating “Parental Alienation” (Childress, 2014)

This essay offers an overview of the treatment factors surrounding the pathology of AB-PA.

Single Case ABAB Remedy Description (Childress, 2015)

This is a description of the single case ABAB remedy protocol.