Parent Consultation Page

I provide general public consultation the first week of every month at my online office, scheduling is through my online Scheduling Calendar. The cost for consultation appointment is $250/hr and I bill through at the start of the hour.

I am only licensed in the state of California, so there are only limited things I can do for non-California residents. Typically, I help parents frame up their situation and possible directions forward with their local area professionals. I am available for professional-to-professional consultation with other mental health professionals and attorneys – just not parents outside my state of licensure.

  • Note: I am prevented to provided consultation to attorneys and parents in Oregon by order of sanctions delivered by the Oregon licensing board and advice from the Trust malpractice insurance carrier and my attorney, pending appeal decision of the Oregon licensing board sanctions in the Oregon courts.

Parents may with to familiarize themselves with the materials on this Consultation website for the mental health professionals and attorneys.

Parent Consultation Handout

This is a handout to attorneys and their client parents explaining a treatment-oriented approach to resolving post-divorce family conflict involving the child.

Risk Assessment Handout

In all cases of court-involved high-intensity custody conflict, a proper risk assessment for possible dangerous pathology in the family needs to be conducted.

Resource Booklets

The Narcissistic Parent is a 50-page booklet that uses quotes from the professional literature to highlight from legal professionals (judges, attorneys, GALs, Parenting Coordinators) the nature of the pathology involved with a narcissistic parent.

The Assessment of Attachment-Related Pathology is a 50-page booklet that describes a six-session assessment protocol for the assessment of attachment-related pathology surrounding divorce. This assessment protocol can be provided to involved mental health professionals and attorneys to indicate the type of assessment desired.

The Professional Consultation booklet is a 50-page booklet written at a professional level that parents can provide to their involved mental health professional to describe the pathology and the surrounding professional obligations.

Foundations is a 300-page book that describes the pathology across three levels of analysis, 1) family systems therapy, 2) personality disorder pathology, 3) the attachment system and attachment pathology.

Australian Amicus Brief

This is an amicus brief I offered in Australia surrounding pending litigation considerations that describes the pathology of concern in the family courts.

Healthcare & Legal System Solutions

The allied  parent wants to drive this into the courts to put the targeted parent on “trial” for being a “bad parent”/(spouse). Don’t let that happen. This isn’t about custody, it’s about child abuse, it’s about treatment.

In healthcare, all of healthcare, including all of mental health care, diagnosis guides treatment.

The attachment pathology created by the pathological parent is severe, the DSM-5 diagnosis is Child Psychological Abuse (V995.51), the creation of a shared persecutory delusion in the child that then destroys the child’s attachment bond to the other parent.

In all cases of high-intensity custody conflict:

  • A proper risk assessment for possible psychological child abuse needs to be conducted – (DSM-5 V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse).
  • A proper risk assessment for possible spousal emotional and psychological abuse of the targeted parent using the child as the weapon needs to be conducted – (DSM-5 V995.82 Spouse or Partner Abuse, Psychological).
  • A proper assessment for possible delusional thought disorder pathology in the family needs to be conducted.

In healthcare, all of healthcare, including all of mental health care, diagnosis guides treatment.

  • Is the diagnosis V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse?
    • Is the diagnosis V995.82 Spouse or Partner Abuse, Psychological?
    • is the diagnosis a shared (induced) persecutory delusion?

Psychological Control of the Child

Parental psychological control of the child is an established fact. Here are the supporting quotes from the literature. Use proper terminology that is scientifically grounded.

Balkans Presentation Handouts

Day 1: The Return of Clinical Psychology

Day 2: Diagnostic Assessment & Treatment Protocols

California SB-331 Amicus Letter

This is an amicus letter I wrote regarding California SB-331, a Kayden’s Law legislation.

Legislator Presentation Handouts

These are Handouts I used in a presentation to state legislators.